Times have changed significantly since we, as young and enthusiastic forestry engineering students, were faced with the difficult task of introducing tree and vine shelters to the Spanish and Portuguese agricultural and forestry market. As the result of many years of hard work, Improfort, a pioneer in the manufacture and marketing of tree and vine shelters, was founded in 1991.
Over the last 25 years, we have developed into a company known for its drive, experience, expertise and commitment, and our tree and vine shelters are recognized as products that are essential for crop growth. Today, nobody questions the benefits they offer to new plantations.
Our constant efforts to adapt to change have been one of the key factors to our success.
Observing, listening and acting with courage and intuition has allowed us to respond quickly and efficiently to the specific needs of our clients. We are constantly looking for better solutions by cutting production costs, introducing new materials and respecting the environment, as well as optimizing transportation costs.
Our objective is to offer innovative, high-quality products, technical advice and customized service to each of our clients in the forestry, agricultural and landscaping sectors.
Welcome to our virtual space.
IMPROFORT Polígono Industrial Comarca 2, Calle B, nº25. 31191 BARBATAIN (Navarra, Spain)
Tel.: +(34) 948 234 686 | Fax: +(34) 948 230 106 | email:admon@improfort.com | © 2015-2024 IMPROFORT